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Magento 2

Magento 2, Continuous Integration, Integration test, Testing

Testing Magento 2 extensions in a continuous integration pipeline

As you might know i like to write code that is tested. Now, writing tests in Magento can be quite hard, but running your tests in a continuous integration pipeline can be even harder. Even more harder is it to test standalone Magento 2 extensions in a continuous integration pipeline.
Magento 2, Coding tips, Controller

Where to place code in a Magento 2 module?

Magento 2 has a few building blocks for you when building a module, but placing your code in the right place can be hard. Here i try to sum up where you should place your code.
Magento 2, Dependency Injection, di.xml, Coding tips

Using di.xml to improve your code quality

In this article i'm going to show you a technique that i like to apply in some of the larger Magento 2 module i write.
Magento 2, Queue

Leveraging the queue in Magento 2 in a (semi) simple way

Using queus is a good way to move some heavy processing to the background of your application. It makes sure expensive operations don't come in the way of the experience of your end user. But configuring and using queues can be a time consuming process. The method described here does help you get things up and running fast.
Controller, Magento 2

Working with temporary files in Magento 2

Recently i had to create an export in Magento 2 using PhpSpreadsheet. I created the sheet and added my data, but them i did hit a bump in the road: how do i download this file?
Continuous Integration, Integration test, Magento 2, Magento 2 testing, Open source

Revive your Magento integration tests

In my day to day job as a freelancer i get to work on quite a few different Magento setups. Now as i try to practice Test Driven Development (TDD) wherever i can, i kept hitting the same bump in the road: when you have an installation that is around for some time, there is a big chance that the integration test setup is broken.
Magento 2, Quick Tip

Retrieving orders using the Magento 2 API

Recently i had to fetch order information using the Magento 2 API, and to be more specific: The latest orders with a specific status. This turned out to be a bit harder than i initially expected. Magento has some pretty good documentation on this subject, but i still needed a little bit tinkering to get the right result.
Magento 2, Layout XML, Quick Tip

Conditionally hide or show a block in Magento 2

Somehow i only found about this little gem only recently. In your layout xml you can use the ifconfig parameter to hide or show block depending on your configuration. It works as following.
Continuous Integration, Integration test, Magento, Magento 2, Testing

Debugging the Magento 2 integration test setup

You might have been at the same point where i have been a few times: You want to start with integration tests on an existing Magento 2 store. You follow the steps to setup your IDE, start the first test and wait. After a while you get one of these nasty non descriptive errors:
Controller, Magento 2, Quick Tip

Download a file in a controller in Magento 2

Today i had to create a file download from a Magento 2 controller. I turnes out that this is quite simple. Now, it's good to know that there are 2 options here.