Hey, need help with your Magento, WooCommerce or Laravel project? I have some availalility. Contact me


Composer, Laravel Nova, Laravel, Open source

Introducing Laravel Email on Event

Recently i was working on a Laravel project and i needed to add some sales emails: Onboarding when someone registers, an e-mail when an order was placed. That kinds of things.
Laravel, Testing, Queue

Testing jobs in Laravel

Recently someone in a Slack channel i’m a member of asked the following:I want to test if job A fires job B, but how do you test something like that?Niek ten HoopenEspecially when the queue is set up to be run asychronus this seems impossible to test. The normal flow would be something like this:
Freelancing, Shopify, Laravel

My Shopify app got approved!

So in a previous blogpost i already told that i was working on my own product. Well this is a Shopify app and last Friday it finally got approved to their app store. In the blogpost from januari i thought it would released within a few weeks, but it took a bit longer. This was on one hand due to having to wait for the Shopify approval process, on the other side due to lack of time from my side. But it's finally here.
Cloudflare, Laravel, Laravel Forge, WordPress

Wordpress, Cloudflare & Laravel Forge

This always bites me when setting up a Wordpress site on Laravel Forge: You get a redirect loop. This article is therefor mostly written for myself.
Composer, Laravel, Magento, Valet Plus+, Quick Tip, Tooling

Install Magento 2 with one command (Valet+ only)

For my daily work as a freelancer i tend to use a lot of disposable environments: I use them to check a bug in that specific version for example, and them throw them away. Setting up Magento can be a lengthy process, but with this one liner i can bring it down to ~10 minutes, depending on you internet & cpu speed. It installs the required Magento version including sample data.
Composer, Laravel, Magento, Magento 2, Open source, Symfony

Introducing Shorty

In my day to day life i tend to switch between Magento, Laravel and Symfony on a regular basis. Each system has it's pros and cons, but Magento has one pro over the other two: If you are using Magerun you can run console commands from any directory inside your project. It always bugged me that there isn't such a thing for Laravel, Symfony or other frameworks. That's why i created Shorty
Freelancing, Laravel, Magento

What move to make next on my freelance career?

In 2015 i started my company, Control Alt Delete. As a developer, i was always building websites for friends and family. As this started to get out of hand, i decided to make it official and start a company. I did this next to my fulltime job, but eventually started doing this for 2 days a week, and in 2018, i decided to go fulltime.
Laravel, Magento

Accessing Magento data from Laravel

Recently I was in the process of migrating a Magento webshop to a SaaS webshop solution. Normally I would access the product and other data by using the API. In this case this was a problem as there was a lot of data that I was not able to access. I needed the output of blocks and some custom modules which where not exposed to the API.
Laravel, Quick Tip

Requiring .env entries in Laravel

In Laravel you can set your environment specific variables by using the .env file. In the application you can then easily retrieve the variable by using the env('VARIABLE_NAME') function. This file is not be meant to be added to git. This way you can a secret values in your project without accidentally add them to git and sharing them.
Laracon, Laravel, Unconference

Laracon EU unconference

This week i attended the European version of Laracon. It was a lot of fun and i talked to a lot of friends. There where a lot of great talks.